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We love

to serve the community


In the late 90’s, the Mayor of Elkton learned of an opportunity to create a program to receive state grants, that could only be applied for by a 501(c)3 non-profit. The search for volunteers to start such an organization to commit to the longstanding revitalization of downtown Elkton presented several people. One of the first volunteers was Mark Clark, a local architect and Elkton resident.

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Mark remembers how the committee originally wanted to bring back “Olde Elkton” and restore it to its former glory. While these goals were commendable, there was a need for a more formal step-by-step planning process. The plan was completed and resulted in the recommendation to establish an organization that became Elkton Alliance, Inc. The first accomplishment of the organization along with assistance from Senator Walter Baker was the renovations to the Bridge Street bridge, which was later named in his honor. New Welcome to Elkton “The Gateway to the Bay” signs were placed at all entryways into Elkton. 


It did not take long for the original creation of the organization to begin paying off. Grants were applied for from the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development and the Neighborhood Business Works to continue the revitalization of downtown. With the help of then Chairman of the Board, William F. Burkley, the Elkton Alliance received over $12 million dollars for the Main Street Streetscape program. At the time, it was the second-largest funded streetscape project to date and remains a project that forever changed the landscape of Elkton’s downtown. 


In 2000, the Elkton Alliance, Inc. merged with the Greater Elkton Chamber of Commerce and was known as the Elkton Chamber & Alliance transitioning to a 501(c)6. In June of 2003 the Town of Elkton received its Maryland Main Street Designation charging Elkton Alliance, Inc. to run the program for the town. In June 2006, Elkton Alliance, Inc. received its Arts & Entertainment District designation and began managing these efforts for the Town of Elkton as well. The organization was, and continues to be housed, out of the Elkton Visitors Center and welcomes daily visitors that come to Elkton.


In 2022, Elkton Alliance, Inc. transitioned back to a 501(c)3 focusing on the town’s economic future. This change has allowed the organization to continue applying for its historic grants and opens up new grant opportunities to broaden the efforts and impact on the community at large.


Over the past several years we have initiated partnerships with business and property owners along with the Small Business Development Center and the Small Business department of the Cecil County Library for start-up businesses.

Original Members:  Eva Addis (deceased), William F. Burkley (deceased), Mark Clark, Connie Dunbar (deceased), Betty Favazza, Patricia Folk, Diane Hair, Elizabeth Kiomall, Morris Kimball (deceased), Sandy Owens, and Sue Whitaker.


Elkton Alliance, Inc.

Incorporated March 27, 1998

From 2023-2024

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